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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Tumor growth inhibition elicited by different vaccines and correlation with antigen specific cytotoxic T-cell frequencies determined by intracellular interferon-γ staining

Item Type:Article
Title:Tumor growth inhibition elicited by different vaccines and correlation with antigen specific cytotoxic T-cell frequencies determined by intracellular interferon-γ staining
Creators Name:Johnen, H. and Pecher, G.
Abstract:Different vaccines based on naked DNA and the modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) were compared for their efficiency to protect mice against tumors bearing the model antigen beta-galactosidase ({beta}-Gal) and for their potential to induce an antigen specific cellular immune response. Mice were immunized with the LacZ gene applied as naked DNA. In accordance with the observed {beta}-Gal-specific T-cell frequency, only 20% of mice boosted with LacZ naked DNA developed tumors whereas all mice boosted with MVA expressing LacZ developed a tumor. Mice vaccinated with mock DNA or mock virus developed tumors in 60 or 100%, respectively. MVA vaccination led to strong and long-lasting CD4- and CD8-T-cell responses against viral antigens but not against {beta}-Gal.
Keywords:Naked DNA, Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara, Vaccine, Intracellular Interferon-{gamma} Staining, Mouse Tumor Model, Animals, Mice
Source:Cancer Letters
Page Range:53-59
Date:8 November 2002
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0304-3835(02)00321-X
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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