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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


A method to configure protein side-chains from the main-chain trace in homology modelling

Item Type:Article
Title:A method to configure protein side-chains from the main-chain trace in homology modelling
Creators Name:Eisenmenger, F., Argos, P. and Abagyan, R.
Abstract:Protein homology modelling typically involves the prediction of side-chain conformations in the modelled protein while assuming a main-chain trace taken from a known tertiary structure of a protein with homologous sequence. It is generally believed that the need to examine all possible combinations of side-chain conformations poses the major obstacle to accurate homology modelling. Methods proposed heretofore use only discrete or limited searches of the side-chain torsion angle space to mitigate the combinatorial problem and also rely on simplified energy functions for calculational speed. The configurational constraints are typically based upon use of frequently observed torsion angles, fixed steps in torsion angles, or oligopeptide segments taken from tertiary structural databanks that are similar in sequence and conformation with the target structure. In the present work, a more fundamental approach is explored for several protein structures and it is demonstrated that the combinatorial barrier in side-chain placement hardly exists. Each side-group can be configured individually in the environment of only the backbone atoms using a systematic search procedure combined with extensive local energy minimization. Tests, using the main-chain or both the main-chain and remaining side-chain atoms to calculate low energy geometries for each residue, established the dominance of the main-chain contribution. The final structure is achieved by combining the individually placed side-chains followed by a full energy refinement of the structure. The prediction accuracy of the present homology modelling technique was assessed relative to other automated procedures and was found to yield improved predictions relative to the known side-chain conformations determined by X-ray crystallography.
Keywords:Amino Acid Sequence, Computer Simulation, Molecular Models, Molecular Sequence Data, Monte Carlo Method, Plant Proteins, Plastocyanin, Protein Conformation, Amino Acid Sequence Homology, X-Ray Diffraction, Animals
Source:Journal of Molecular Biology
Page Range:849-860
Date:5 June 1993
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1006/jmbi.1993.1331
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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