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The DNA sequence of human chromosome 7

Item Type:Article
Title:The DNA sequence of human chromosome 7
Creators Name:Hillier, L.W., Fulton, R.S., Fulton, L.A., Graves, T.A., Pepin, K.H., Wagner-McPherson, C., Layman, D., Maas, J., Jaeger, S., Walker, R., Wylie, K., Sekhon, M., Becker, M.C., O'Laughlin, M.D., Schaller, M.E., Fewell, G.A., Delehaunty, K.D., Miner, T.L., Nash, W.E., Cordes, M., Du, H., Sun, H., Edwards, J., Bradshaw-Cordum, H., Ali, J., Andrews, S., Isak, A., VanBrunt, A., Nguyen, C., Du, F.Y., Lamar, B., Courtney, L., Kalicki, J., Ozersky, P., Bielicki, L., Scott, K., Holmes, A., Harkins, R., Harris, A., Strong, C.M., Hou, S.F., Tomlinson, C., Dauphin-Kohlberg, S., Kozlowicz-Reilly, A., Leonard, S., Rohlfing, T., Rock, S.M., Tin-Wollam, A.M., Abbott, A., Minx, P., Maupin, R., Strowmatt, C., Latreille, P., Miller, N., Johnson, D., Murray, J., Woessner, J.P., Wendl, M.C., Yang, S.P., Schultz, B.R., Wallis, J.W., Spieth, J., Bieri, T.A., Nelson, J.O., Berkowicz, N., Wohldmann, P.E., Cook, L.L., Hickenbotham, M.T., Eldred, J., Williams, D., Bedell, J.A., Mardis, E.R., Clifton, S.W., Chissoe, S.L., Marra, M.A., Raymond, C., Haugen, E., Gillett, W., Zhou, Y., James, R., Phelps, K., Iadanoto, S., Bubb, K., Simms, E., Levy, R., Clendenning, J., Kaul, R., Kent, W.J., Furey, T.S., Baertsch, R.A., Brent, M.R., Keibler, E., Flicek, P., Bork, P., Suyama, M., Bailey, J.A., Portnoy, M.E., Torrents, D., Chinwalla, A.T., Gish, W.R., Eddy, S.R., McPherson, J.D., Olson, M.V., Eichler, E.E., Green, E.D., Waterston, R.H. and Wilson, R.K.
Publisher:Nature Publishing Group
Page Range:157-164
Date:1 January 2003
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1038/nature01782
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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