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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Genauigkeit der sonographischen Milzgewichtsbestimmung am Lebenden im Vergleich zum pathologischen Korrelat [Accuracy of the sonographic determination of the splenic weight in comparison with the weight at autopsy]

Item Type:Article
Title:Genauigkeit der sonographischen Milzgewichtsbestimmung am Lebenden im Vergleich zum pathologischen Korrelat [Accuracy of the sonographic determination of the splenic weight in comparison with the weight at autopsy]
Creators Name:Kluehs, L., Teichgraeber, U.K., Schneider, U., Ludwig, W.D., Doerken, B. and Benter, T.
Abstract:Purpose: The weight of the spleen can be easily calculated from sonographic measurements. This study investigates the correlations between the weight of the spleen determined sonographically and the weight measured at autopsy or after splenectomy. Materials and Methods: The splenic weight at autopsy or after splenectomy was correlated with the calculated sonographic splenic weight in 55 patients who had a sonographic examination within the preceding three weeks. Results: A significant correlation (r = 0.978) was found between the sonographically calculated splenic weight (460.82 grams) and the measured weight of the removed spleen (average weight 463.18 grams). Spleens weighing more than 1 kg showed a slightly weaker correlation. Conclusion: This study proves that the simple formula of length × transverse diameter × vertical diameter × 0.6 provides a reliable calculation of the weight of the spleen.
Keywords:Sonography, Weight Spleen, Measurements Spleen, Autopsy, Splenectomy
Source:RoeFo Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der neuen bildgebenden Verfahren
Page Range:532-535
Date:1 April 2003
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1055/s-2003-38435
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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