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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


A self-organizing model for the development of orientation selectivity and ocular dominance patterns in the visual nervous system

Item Type:Article
Title:A self-organizing model for the development of orientation selectivity and ocular dominance patterns in the visual nervous system
Creators Name:Muro, E.M., Andrade, M.A. and Moran, F.
Abstract:A binocular model for the prenatal development of the visual nervous system is proposed. The model is able to reproduce some properties observed in mammals at the moment of birth such as retinotopy, oriented receptive fields, and ocular dominance. One of the outstanding features of the model architecture is the existence of dendrodendritic interaction within each layer. The spontaneaus activity of the neurons of the input layer is modeled by spatially and temporally decorrelated activity. The evolution of a connection depends on the output activity of both connected neurons. Hebbian learning has been used for the afferent excitatory connections and anti-Hebbian learning for the lateral inhibitory connections. The model is reduced to a set of ordinary differential equations obtained from a statistical treatment of the dynamics that avoids its explicit dependence on the spontaneaus activity.
Keywords:Neural Networks, Self-Organization, Hebbian and Anti-Hebbian Learning, Dendrodendritic Diffusion, Random Spontaneous Activity, Orientation Columns, Ocular Domains
Source:Neural Network World
Page Range:319-332
Date:1 January 2002

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