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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Sentinel Lymph Node beim kolorektalen Karzinom [Sentinel lymph node biopsy in colorectal carcinoma]

Item Type:Article
Title:Sentinel Lymph Node beim kolorektalen Karzinom [Sentinel lymph node biopsy in colorectal carcinoma]
Creators Name:Bembenek, A., Gretschel, S., Ulmer, C. and Schlag, P.M.
Abstract:Lymph node status as an important prognostic factor in colon and rectal cancer is affected by the selection and number of lymph nodes examined and by the quality of histopathological assessment. The multitude of influences is accompanied by an elevated risk of quality alterations. Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is currently under investigation for its value in improving determination of the nodal status. Worldwide, the data of 800 to 1000 patients from about 20 relatively small studies are available that focus rather on colon than rectal cancer patients. SLNB may be of clinical value for the collective of patients that are initially node-negative after H&E staining but reveal small micrometastases or isolated tumor cells in the SLN after intensified histopathological workup. If further studies confirm that these patients benefit from adjuvant therapy, the method may have an important effect on the therapy and prognosis of colon cancer patients as well. Another potential application could be the determination of the nodal status after endoscopic excision of early cancer to avoid bowel resection and lymphonodectomy.
Keywords:Sentinel Lymph Node, Colon Cancer, Rectal Cancer, Colorectal Cancer
Page Range:761-766
Date:1 January 2004
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1007/s00104-004-0910-0
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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