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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Wirksame "Hausmittel" gegen die orthostatische Hypotonie: Ein Glas Wasser vor dem Aufstehen und ein Ziegelstein unterm Bett

Item Type:Article
Title:Wirksame "Hausmittel" gegen die orthostatische Hypotonie: Ein Glas Wasser vor dem Aufstehen und ein Ziegelstein unterm Bett
Creators Name:Jordan, J.
Abstract:The symptoms of orthostatic hypotension can be considerably improved by non-pharmacological treatment, and patients with such symptoms should not initially be given medication. Many patients, for example, show a pronounced increase in blood pressure shortly after drinking water, and this phenomenon can be utilized to ameliorate symptoms. In patients who respond inadequately, treatment with pharmacological agents is indicated. The most appropriate drug needs to be selected individually on the basis of its action and tolerability. All medications suitable for treating orthostatic hypotension can appreciably increase the blood pressure in the prone patient.
Keywords:Adrenergic alpha-Agonists, Drinking, Indomethacin, Orthostatic Hypotension, Patient Education as Topic, Traditional Medicine, Treatment Outcome, Yohimbine
Source:MMW: Fortschritte der Medizin
Page Range:925-928
Date:1 January 2002

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