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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


"Multidrug-Resistenz". Zellulaere Transportprobleme und ihre Konsequenzen ["Multidrug resistance". Cellular transport problems and their consequences]

Item Type:Article
Title:"Multidrug-Resistenz". Zellulaere Transportprobleme und ihre Konsequenzen ["Multidrug resistance". Cellular transport problems and their consequences]
Creators Name:Stein, U., Walther, W. and Schlag, P.M.
Abstract:Multidrug resistance, the simultaneous resistance towards structurally and functionally unrelated cytostatic drugs, still represents a major cause of cancer treatment failure. This phenomenon of an inherent or acquired resistance against a wide variety of chemotherapeutic drugs depends mainly on the presence of different transporter proteins, their genetic polymorphisms and their regulation/deregulation. Thus, decreased uptake and/or increased efflux, lowered net accumulation, and in consequence, less efficiency of anti-cancer drugs is the clinical hurdle to struggle with. The biology of the most prominent members of the MDR-associated, membran-spanning ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter proteins, MDR1, MRP1, BCRP, their transport mechanisms and spectrum of cytostatic drugs is summarized in this article. Moreover, an alternative resistance mechanism, based on the presence of the cell organelles vaults, is introduced. Furthermore, the clinical importance of these MDR-associated molecules is discussed and intervention approaches for reversal strategies are evaluated.
Keywords:Different Transporter Proteins, Spectrum of Cytostatic Drugs, Transport Mechanisms, Vault
Source:Taegliche Praxis
Page Range:125-133
Date:1 January 2005

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