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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Proliferative response of distinct hippocampal progenitor cell populations after cortical infarcts in the adult brain

Item Type:Article
Title:Proliferative response of distinct hippocampal progenitor cell populations after cortical infarcts in the adult brain
Creators Name:Kunze, A., Grass, S., Witte, O.W., Yamaguchi, M., Kempermann, G. and Redecker, C.
Abstract:Precursor cells in the adult dentate gyrus are a heterogeneous population. Astrocytic cell types with radial glia-like morphology and low proliferative activity have been distinguished from highly dividing subtypes expressing early neuronal properties. Recent evidence indicates that physiological stimuli predominantly increased proliferation of non-astrocytic cell types whereas radial glia-like precursors remained quiescent. We here analyzed the proliferative response of precursor cell subtypes under pathophysiological conditions in a model of photochemical cortical infarcts. Using transgenic pNestin-GFP mice and single intraperitoneal injections of 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine 4 h after surgery, immunocytochemical analysis revealed a differential activation of the distinct subpopulations within 72 h after the infarct. The stimulation was most prominent in radial glia-like precursor cells but also non-astrocytic precursors with early neuronal phenotypes were activated. The present study indicates that the proliferative response of precursor cell subpopulations in the subgranular zone might differ under physiological and pathophysiological conditions.
Keywords:Animal Disease Models, Cell Lineage, Cell Proliferation, Cerebral Infarction, Confocal Microscopy, Green Fluorescent Proteins, Hippocampus, Immunohistochemistry, In Situ Nick-End Labeling, Neuroglia, Neurons, Stem Cells, Transgenic Mice, Animals, Mice
Source:Neurobiology of Disease
Page Range:324-332
Date:February 2006
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nbd.2005.07.013
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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