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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Reconstructed human mariner transposon capable of stable gene transfer into chromosomes in vertebrates [Rekonstruktion eines menschlichen Mariner Transposons, das zum stabilen Gentransfer in Chromosome von Wirbeltieren geeignet ist]

Item Type:Patent
Title:Reconstructed human mariner transposon capable of stable gene transfer into chromosomes in vertebrates [Rekonstruktion eines menschlichen Mariner Transposons, das zum stabilen Gentransfer in Chromosome von Wirbeltieren geeignet ist]
Creators Name:Miskey, C. and Ivics, Z.
Abstract:The present invention refers to a gene transfer system for stably introducing nucleic acid(s) into the DNA of a cell by using a member of the human mariner transposases. The invention further refers to this transposase and to transposons used in the inventive gene transfer system, comprising a nucleic acid sequence with flanking repeats (IRs and/or IR/DRs). Furthermore, applications of this gene transfer system are also disclosed such as gene therapy, insertional mutagenesis, gene discovery (including genome mapping mobilization of genes, library screening, or functional analysis of genomes in vivo and in vitro. Finally, pharmaceutical compositions and kits are also encompassed.
Date:11 October 2006

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