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Nourishing the mind: fasting for brain health.
Hofer, S.J. and Madeo, F.
Cell Metabolism 36 (8): 1635-1637. 6 August 2024

International consensus on fasting terminology.
Koppold, D.A., Breinlinger, C., Hanslian, E., Kessler, C., Cramer, H., Khokhar, A.R., Peterson, C.M., Tinsley, G., Vernieri, C., Bloomer, R.J., Boschmann, M., Bragazzi, N.L., Brandhorst, S., Gabel, K., Goldhamer, A.C., Grajower, M.M., Harvie, M., Heilbronn, L., Horne, B.D., Karras, S.N., Langhorst, J., Lischka, E., Madeo, F., Mitchell, S.J., Papagiannopoulos-Vatopaidinos, I.E., Papagiannopoulou, M., Pijl, H., Ravussin, E., Ritzmann-Widderich, M., Varady, K., Adamidou, L., Chihaoui, M., de Cabo, R., Hassanein, M., Lessan, N., Longo, V., Manoogian, E.N.C., Mattson, M.P., Muhlestein, J.B., Panda, S., Papadopoulou, S.K., Rodopaios, N.E., Stange, R. and Michalsen, A.
Cell Metabolism 36 (8): 1779-1794. 6 August 2024


The Type 2 Diabetes Knowledge Portal: An open access genetic resource dedicated to type 2 diabetes and related traits.
Costanzo, M.C., von Grotthuss, M., Massung, J., Jang, D., Caulkins, L., Koesterer, R., Gilbert, C., Welch, R.P., Kudtarkar, P., Hoang, Q., Boughton, A.P., Singh, P., Sun, Y., Duby, M., Moriondo, A., Nguyen, T., Smadbeck, P., Alexander, B.R., Brandes, M.K., Carmichael, M., Dornbos, P., Green, T., Huellas-Bruskiewicz, K.C., Ji, Y., Kluge, A., McMahon, A.C., Mercader, J.M., Ruebenacker, O., Sengupta, S., Spalding, D., Taliun, D., Smith, P., Thomas, M.K., Akolkar, B., Brosnan, M.J., Cherkas, A., Chu, A.Y., Fauman, E.B., Fox, C.S., Kamphaus, T.N., Miller, M.R., Nguyen, L., Parsa, A., Reilly, D.F., Ruetten, H., Wholley, D., Zaghloul, N.A., Abecasis, G.R., Altshuler, D., Keane, T.M., McCarthy, M.I., Gaulton, K.J., Florez, J.C., Boehnke, M., Burtt, N.P. and Flannick, J.
Cell Metabolism 35 (4): 695-710.e6. 4 April 2023

Linoleic acid potentiates CD8(+) T cell metabolic fitness and antitumor immunity.
Nava Lauson, C.B., Tiberti, S., Corsetto, P.A., Conte, F., Tyagi, P., Machwirth, M., Ebert, S., Loffreda, A., Scheller, L., Sheta, D., Mokhtari, Z., Peters, T., Raman, A.T., Greco, F., Rizzo, A.M., Beilhack, A., Signore, G., Tumino, N., Vacca, P., McDonnell, L.A., Raimondi, A., Greenberg, P.D., Huppa, J.B., Cardaci, S., Caruana, I., Rodighiero, S., Nezi, L. and Manzo, T.
Cell Metabolism 35 (4): 633-650.e9. 4 April 2023

Sodium perturbs mitochondrial respiration and induces dysfunctional Tregs.
Côrte-Real, B.F., Hamad, I., Arroyo Hornero, R., Geisberger, S., Roels, J., Van Zeebroeck, L., Dyczko, A., van Gisbergen, M.W., Kurniawan, H., Wagner, A., Yosef, N., Weiss, S.N.Y., Schmetterer, K.G., Schröder, A., Krampert, L., Haase, S., Bartolomaeus, H., Hellings, N., Saeys, Y., Dubois, L.J., Brenner, D., Kempa, S., Hafler, D.A., Stegbauer, J., Linker, R.A., Jantsch, J., Müller, D.N. and Kleinewietfeld, M.
Cell Metabolism 35 (2): 299-315. 7 February 2023


Pseudotemporal ordering of single cells reveals metabolic control of postnatal ß cell proliferation.
Zeng, C., Mulas, F., Sui, Y., Guan, T., Miller, N., Tan, Y., Liu, F., Jin, W., Carrano, A.C., Huising, M.O., Shirihai, O.S., Yeo, G.W. and Sander, M.
Cell Metabolism 25 (5): 1160-1175.e11. 2 May 2017


Interindividual variation in DNA methylation at a putative POMC metastable epiallele is associated with obesity.
Kuehnen, P., Handke, D., Waterland, R.A., Hennig, B.J., Silver, M., Fulford, A.J., Dominguez-Salas, P., Moore, S.E., Prentice, A.M., Spranger, J., Hinney, A., Hebebrand, J., Heppner, F.L., Walzer, L., Groetzinger, C., Gromoll, J., Wiegand, S., Grueters, A. and Krude, H.
Cell Metabolism 24 (3): 502-509. 13 September 2016

High T gives β cells a boost.
Wortham, M. and Sander, M.
Cell Metabolism 23 (5): 761-3. 10 May 2016


Cutaneous Na(+) storage strengthens the antimicrobial barrier function of the skin and boosts macrophage-driven host defense.
Jantsch, J., Schatz, V., Friedrich, D., Schröder, A., Kopp, C., Siegert, I., Maronna, A., Wendelborn, D., Linz, P., Binger, K.J., Gebhardt, M., Heinig, M., Neubert, P., Fischer, F., Teufel, S., David, J.P., Neufert, C., Cavallaro, A., Rakova, N., Küper, C., Beck, F.X., Neuhofer, W., Muller, D.N., Schuler, G., Uder, M., Bogdan, C., Luft, F.C. and Titze, J.
Cell Metabolism 21 (3): 493-501. 3 March 2015

Glycolysis-mediated changes in acetyl-CoA and histone acetylation control the early differentiation of embryonic stem cells.
Moussaieff, A., Rouleau, M., Kitsberg, D., Cohen, M., Levy, G., Barasch, D., Nemirovski, A., Shen-Orr, S., Laevsky, I., Amit, M., Bomze, D., Elena-Herrmann, B., Scherf, T., Nissim-Rafinia, M., Kempa, S., Itskovitz-Eldor, J., Meshorer, E., Aberdam, D. and Nahmias, Y.
Cell Metabolism 21 (3): 392-402. 3 March 2015


Partial and transient reduction of glycolysis by PFKFB3 blockade reduces pathological angiogenesis.
Schoors, S., De Bock, K., Cantelmo, A.R., Georgiadou, M., Ghesquière, B., Cauwenberghs, S., Kuchnio, A., Wong, B.W., Quaegebeur, A., Goveia, J., Bifari, F., Wang, X., Blanco, R., Tembuyser, B., Cornelissen, I., Bouché, A., Vinckier, S., Diaz-Moralli, S., Gerhardt, H., Telang, S., Cascante, M., Chesney, J., Dewerchin, M. and Carmeliet, P.
Cell Metabolism 19 (1): 37-48. 7 January 2014

Argonaute2 mediates compensatory expansion of the pancreatic β cell.
Tattikota, S.G., Rathjen, T., McAnulty, S.J., Wessels, H.H., Akerman, I., van de Bunt, M., Hausser, J., Esguerra, J.L.S., Musahl, A., Pandey, A.K., You, X., Chen, W., Herrera, P.L., Johnson, P.R., O'Carroll, D., Eliasson, L., Zavolan, M., Gloyn, A.L., Ferrer, J., Shalom-Feuerstein, R., Aberdam, D. and Poy, M.N.
Cell Metabolism 19 (1): 122-134. 7 January 2014


Long-term space flight simulation reveals infradian rhythmicity in human Na(+) balance.
Rakova, N., Jüttner, K., Dahlmann, A., Schröder, A., Linz, P., Kopp, C., Rauh, M., Goller, U., Beck, L., Agureev, A., Vassilieva, G., Lenkova, L., Johannes, B., Wabel, P., Moissl, U., Vienken, J., Gerzer, R., Eckardt, K.U., Müller, D.N., Kirsch, K., Morukov, B., Luft, F.C. and Titze, J.
Cell Metabolism 17 (1): 125-131. 8 January 2013


Human β cell transcriptome analysis uncovers lncRNAs that are tissue-specific, dynamically regulated, and abnormally expressed in type 2 diabetes.
Morán, I., Akerman, I., van de Bunt, M., Xie, R., Benazra, M., Nammo, T., Arnes, L., Nakić, N., García-Hurtado, J., Rodríguez-Seguí, S., Pasquali, L., Sauty-Colace, C., Beucher, A., Scharfmann, R., van Arensbergen, J., Johnson, P.R., Berry, A., Lee, C., Harkins, T., Gmyr, V., Pattou, F., Kerr-Conte, J., Piemonti, L., Berney, T., Hanley, N., Gloyn, A.L., Sussel, L., Langman, L., Brayman, K.L., Sander, M., McCarthy, M.I., Ravassard, P. and Ferrer, J.
Cell Metabolism 16 (4): 435-48. 3 October 2012

Fumarate is cardioprotective via activation of the Nrf2 antioxidant pathway.
Ashrafian, H., Czibik, G., Bellahcene, M., Aksentijević, D., Smith, A.C., Mitchell, S.J., Dodd, M.S., Kirwan, J., Byrne, J.J., Ludwig, C., Isackson, H., Yavari, A., Støttrup, N.B., Contractor, H., Cahill, T.J., Sahgal, N., Ball, D.R., Birkler, R.I.D., Hargreaves, I., Tennant, D.A., Land, J., Lygate, C.A., Johannsen, M., Kharbanda, R.K., Neubauer, S., Redwood, C., de Cabo, R., Ahmet, I., Talan, M., Günther, U.L., Robinson, A.J., Viant, M.R., Pollard, P.J., Tyler, D.J. and Watkins, H.
Cell Metabolism 15 (3): 361-371. 7 March 2012

Rats, salt, and history.
Luft, F.C.
Cell Metabolism 15 (2): 129-130. 8 February 2012


Divergent effects of central and peripheral renin on body weight and metabolism.
Luft, F.C.
Cell Metabolism 12 (5): 423-424. 3 November 2010

ClC-3-A granular anion transporter involved in insulin secretion?
Jentsch, T.J., Maritzen, T., Keating, D.J., Zdebik, A.A. and Thevenod, F.
Cell Metabolism 12 (4): 307-308. 6 October 2010

Sort1, encoded by the cardiovascular risk locus 1p13.3, is a regulator of hepatic lipoprotein export.
Kjolby, M., Andersen, O.M., Breiderhoff, T., Fjorback, A.W., Pedersen, K.M., Madsen, P., Jansen, P., Heeren, J., Willnow, T.E. and Nykjaer, A.
Cell Metabolism 12 (3): 213-223. 8 September 2010

Glucocorticoids suppress bone formation by attenuating osteoblast differentiation via the monomeric glucocorticoid receptor.
Rauch, A., Seitz, S., Baschant, U., Schilling, A.F., Illing, A., Stride, B., Kirilov, M., Mandic, V., Takacz, A., Schmidt-Ullrich, R., Ostermay, S., Schinke, T., Spanbroek, R., Zaiss, M.M., Angel, P.E., Lerner, U.H., David, J.P., Reichardt, H.M., Amling, M., Schuetz, G. and Tuckermann, J.P.
Cell Metabolism 11 (6): 517-531. 9 June 2010

Pancreatic beta cells require NeuroD to achieve and maintain functional maturity.
Gu, C., Stein, G.H., Pan, N., Goebbels, S., Hörnberg, H., Nave, K.A., Herrera, P., White, P., Kaestner, K.H., Sussel, L. and Lee, J.E.
Cell Metabolism 11 (4): 298-310. 7 April 2010


PET imaging of leptin biodistribution and metabolism in rodents and primates.
Ceccarini, G., Flavell, R.R., Butelman, E.R., Synan, M., Willnow, T.E., Bar-Dagan, M., Goldsmith, S.J., Kreek, M.J., Kothari, P., Vallabhajosula, S., Muir, T.W. and Friedman, J.M.
Cell Metabolism 10 (2): 148-159. 6 August 2009


Renalase, a catecholamine-metabolizing hormone from the kidney.
Luft, F.C.
Cell Metabolism 1 (6): 358-360. June 2005

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