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Size matters: grey matter brain reserve predicts executive functioning in the elderly

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Item Type:Article
Title:Size matters: grey matter brain reserve predicts executive functioning in the elderly
Creators Name:Laubach, M., Lammers, F., Zacharias, N., Feinkohl, I., Pischon, T., Borchers, F, Slooter, A.J.C., Kühn, S., Spies, C. and Winterer, G.
Abstract:Preserved executive functioning (EF) is crucial for daily functioning in the elderly and it appears to predict dementia development. We sought to clarify the role of atrophy-corrected cortical grey matter (GM) volume as a potential brain reserve (BR) marker for EF in the elderly. In total, 206 pre-surgical subjects (72.50 ± 4.95 years; mean MMSE score 28.50) were investigated. EF was primarily assessed using the Trail Making Test B (TMT B). Global/ lobar GM volumes were acquired with T1 MP-RAGE. Adjusting for key covariates including a brain atrophy index (i.e. brain parenchymal fraction), multiple linear regression analysis was used to study associations of GM volumes and TMT B. All GM volumes - most notably of global GM - were significantly associated with TMT B independently of GM atrophy (ß = -0.201 to -0.275, p = 0.001 to 0.012). Using atrophy-corrected GM volume as an estimate of maximal GM size in youth may serve as a BR predictor for cognitive decline in future studies investigating BR in the elderly.
Keywords:Executive Functioning, Neuroimaging, Elderly, Neuropsychology, Brain Reserve, Cognitive Reserve
Publisher:Elsevier / Pergamon
Page Range:172-181
Date:October 2018
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2018.08.008
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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