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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


SorCS2 facilitates release of endostatin from astrocytes and controls post-stroke angiogenesis

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Item Type:Article
Title:SorCS2 facilitates release of endostatin from astrocytes and controls post-stroke angiogenesis
Creators Name:Malik, A.R., Lips, Janet, Gorniak-Walas, M., Broekaart, D.W.M., Asaro, A., Kuffner, M.T.C., Hoffmann, C.J., Kikhia, M., Dopatka, M., Boehm-Sturm, P., Mueller, S., Dirnagl, U., Aronica, E., Harms, C. and Willnow, T.E.
Abstract:SorCS2 is an intracellular sorting receptor of the VPS10P domain receptor gene family recently implicated in oxidative stress response. Here, we interrogated the relevance of stress-related activities of SorCS2 in the brain by exploring its role in ischemic stroke in mouse models and in patients. Although primarily seen in neurons in the healthy brain, expression of SorCS2 was massively induced in astrocytes surrounding the ischemic core in mice following stroke. Post-stroke induction was likely a result of increased levels of transforming growth factor β1 in damaged brain tissue, inducing Sorcs2 gene transcription in astrocytes but not neurons. Induced astrocytic expression of SorCS2 was also seen in stroke patients, substantiating the clinical relevance of this observation. In astrocytes in vitro and in the mouse brain in vivo, SorCS2 specifically controlled release of endostatin, a factor linked to post-stroke angiogenesis. The ability of astrocytes to release endostatin acutely after stroke was lost in mice deficient for SorCS2, resulting in a blunted endostatin response which coincided with impaired vascularization of the ischemic brain. Our findings identified activated astrocytes as a source for endostatin in modulation of post-stroke angiogenesis, and the importance of the sorting receptor SorCS2 in this brain stress response.
Keywords:Cytokine, Glial Scar, Ischemia, Protein Sorting, VPS10P Domain Receptors, Animals, Mice
Page Range:1304-1316
Date:June 2020
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1002/glia.23778
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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