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Integration of CTCF loops, methylome, and transcriptome in differentiating LUHMES as a model for imprinting dynamics of the 15q11-q13 locus in human neurons

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Item Type:Article
Title:Integration of CTCF loops, methylome, and transcriptome in differentiating LUHMES as a model for imprinting dynamics of the 15q11-q13 locus in human neurons
Creators Name:Gutierrez Fugón, Orangel J, Sharifi, Osman, Heath, Nicholas, Soto, Daniela C, Gomez, J Antonio, Yasui, Dag H, Mendiola, Aron Judd P, O'Geen, Henriette, Beitnere, Ulrika, Tomkova, Marketa, Haghani, Viktoria, Dillon, Greg, Segal, David J and LaSalle, Janine M
Abstract:Human cell line models, including the neuronal precursor line LUHMES, are important for investigating developmental transcriptional dynamics within imprinted regions, particularly the 15q11-q13 Angelman (AS) and Prader-Willi (PWS) syndrome locus. AS results from loss of maternal UBE3A in neurons, where the paternal allele is silenced by a convergent antisense transcript UBE3A-ATS, a lncRNA that terminates at PWAR1 in non-neurons. qRT-PCR analysis confirmed the exclusive and progressive increase in UBE3A-ATS in differentiating LUHMES neurons, validating their use for studying UBE3A silencing. Genome-wide transcriptome analyses revealed changes to 11 834 genes during neuronal differentiation, including the upregulation of most genes within the 15q11-q13 locus. To identify dynamic changes in chromatin loops linked to transcriptional activity, we performed a HiChIP validated by 4C, which identified two neuron-specific CTCF loops between MAGEL2-SNRPN and PWAR1-UBE3A. To determine if allele-specific differentially methylated regions (DMR) may be associated with CTCF loop anchors, whole genome long-read nanopore sequencing was performed. We identified a paternally hypomethylated DMR near the SNRPN upstream loop anchor exclusive to neurons and a paternally hypermethylated DMR near the PWAR1 CTCF anchor exclusive to undifferentiated cells, consistent with increases in neuronal transcription. Additionally, DMRs near CTCF loop anchors were observed in both cell types, indicative of allele-specific differences in chromatin loops regulating imprinted transcription. These results provide an integrated view of the 15q11-q13 epigenetic landscape during LUHMES neuronal differentiation, underscoring the complex interplay of transcription, chromatin looping, and DNA methylation. They also provide insights for future therapeutic approaches for AS and PWS.
Keywords:Chromatin, Imprinting, Human Cell Models, Angelman, Prader-Willi Syndrome, LUHMES, Methylation, UBE3A
Source:Human Molecular Genetics
Publisher:Oxford University Press
Date:24 July 2024
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1093/hmg/ddae111
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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